
Friday, December 31, 2010

happy new year!

wishing you a year of focus and true beauty...

a year of only happy tears...

and a year of shiny, pretty little things!

Thanks to all of you that come to visit me here.
It means more than you will ever, ever know.
Carpe Diem, my friends.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

me and my shadow

This is a great rainy or snowy day activity. Or just something to fill the down time. It's pretty self explanatory but I do have two points of advice. 1. Have them color in their hair first. It gives them better perspective on where to draw the face. 2. Do not cut out the body until after they are finished. Ballerina tutus do not fit on already cut out bodies. Trust me. We learned the hard way.

Now if only I'd photographed the finished product...

it's raining, it's pouring...

Super winter cuteness on The Mini Social today. Peacoat and scarf by Tiny Pants Kids. Raincoat and umbrella by Dav Rain Gear. Prices are good and sales end Monday & Tuesday, respectively.


 As a Montessori "graduate" the last thing I ever expected to see out of this natural approach to learning was... an iphone app?  Say it ain't so! But I'm kinda glad it is.

I allow my kids to play video games.  Everything in moderation is basically my life's mantra and that applies to their time as well. We play plenty of sports, read, color, dance, sing and play far more board games than any mother should be required to. But we also (gasp) watch our fair share of television and play video games. I have no problem with that. Except, of course, when your child gets off a six hour plane ride and into a car with an iphone then proceeds to vomit all over herself as you are approaching a bridge from the motion sickness.  
True story.  Happened yesterday.

But I digress. My kids can kick my butt in most of the apps on my iphone and the only xbox "game" I can win is Dance Central (boy were they surprised to see mom throw down some moves!).  But it is certainly refreshing to finally see some apps that actually TEACH.  These Montessorium games are so visually appealing that my seven year old grabbed the phone immediately and started tracing his letters (which is clearly a little rudimentary for him).

I bought both the intro to letters and intro to math for my phone.  Zuzu had fun with them for about ten minutes but I'm afraid they came out about a year too late.  She'll still play them, and I think the directional letter & number tracing can even be beneficial for my seven year old, but these apps are definitely best for 2-3 year olds. And, in my humble digitally inclined opinion, worth the $4.99.

There is also an app called Alpha Writer (pictured above) which looks super cool, and probably more age appropriate for Zuzu, but it's available only for the ipad.  If you have one, check it out and report back!

*I am in no way affiliated with Montessorium or Apple and am getting absolutely nothing for taking the time to write this post and sell their products. This is strictly my opinion.*

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

back to reality

We've been on a lovely vacation for that last two weeks. And while my genetic makeup does not allow me to completely stop designing, sourcing, blogging, or networking while on vacation, I have to say...
I really, truly tried.

Sleeping in. Skipping showers. Laughing with friends for three hours over dinner. Spoiling the kids. Laying by the pool. (Who does that anymore?!) And eating ice cream. Every. Single. Night. 
Oh wait, I do that at home too.

Nevertheless, I was sad to leave but so excited to curl up in my own bed tonight and hit my desk in the morning. I have so many new ideas for you. Just bear with me while I execute them all.  Sometimes my brilliant talent of multi-tasking does not work in my favor.  
Like when I start 18 projects at once.

In the meantime, this is the little ditty I can't get out of my head tonight. I'm not a particular fan of rap music (to say the least) but I do love this song.  And it's fitting. 


Monday, December 27, 2010

janet hill

I posted one of these images on my Facebook page last night so forgive me if this is overkill but I just can't stop staring at these Janet Hill images on my screen.  I ordered the reproduction below for my bedroom earlier this year and I just adore it.  She just exudes femininity.  And to make her even more appealing, although very well packaged, my print arrived torn at the corner thanks to the gentle handling of the lovely little postal service.  No questions asked, Janet replaced my copy immediately.  Now that's class. And style.

Friday, December 24, 2010

house doctor

Serious interior design envy going on today. I want to live in this room. Like NOW. And I want to fly to Denmark and apply for a job at house doctor.  But that can probably wait until just after Christmas. 

Their taste is impeccable.  How is it that I've just discovered them today?  I do wish their website was a tad easier for me to manipulate so that I could see closer and possibly even order some of their fabulous products.  But maybe it is and I'm just being impatient.
Serious envy I tell you.  Serious.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Love the rooms you see above? Yup, me too.
Want to know where they came from? Yup, so did I.
I couldn't say it better myself.  So why try? 
From Nesting's lovely website...

"Nesting is a book consisting of 26 interesting homes. The Swedish version of The Selby! They have been documented over a period of 7 years, randomly chosen by the authors; Cilla Ramnek and Pia Ulin. The places and images are for real and not staged in any way. Exept for Cillas spontaneous styling with some of the home-owners things. The images always shot with the conditions provided by the space and light that existed only then. Please be inspired by these amazing homes.
The book is available for purchase at Papercut."

Thanks go to decor8 for the introduction.

cocoon couture

Cocoon couture. Exactly what kiddie cuteness don't they make? Beanbags, ottomans, mobiles, book ends, wall art, shoulder bags and even an enchanted tree.  All cute.  And enchanting.

Monday, December 20, 2010

charmed, I'm sure

Meet Mae (who is actually not one but three talented women).

The concept is genius I tell you. Simply genius. This is one of those shops that makes you bang your head against the wall screaming, "why didn't I think of that?!"

Their wall decals are fabric, not vinyl, and they are completely reusable. They come in various designs but it's the dress up doll concept that I find truly remarkable. (Bangs head against wall one more time.)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

more holiday gift wrap... there is still time!

Now, I love wrapping gifts (and products) in fabric *ribbon* but I just tear one inch strips and leave it all raggedly.  I've always kinda liked it that way.  But check out this perfectionism on Design Sponge.  Loads of work but the packages look simplistically stunning.  Love it.  Oh, and her choice of colors are pretty fab too.

Friday, December 17, 2010

decorative glass oranments

At the "Winter Wonderland" today they had a community tree filled with clear round ornaments (I think theirs were actually plastic, not glass but we were strictly NOT allowed to touch).  They had opened them up and wrapped photographs of people from all over the community within the orbs.  It was sweet. And sentimental. And simple.  

But I like these better.  You may be done decorating your tree but they would make a lovely hostess gift if you still have parties to attend this week.  Or the kids could pretty much make them all by themselves for their Grandparents. Nothing better than handmade Christmas goodness for the Grandparents.  And nothing better than a handmade ornament on the tree. Well, maybe a handmade vintage one...

winter wonderland. south florida style.

Today we took the kids to the "Winter Wonderland" at the community historical museum by Grandma's house. We really had no idea what to expect and, while I'm still not even sure how to describe what we saw, it was nothing short of spectacular if only because of the pride exuding from the community members that pulled it all off.

This is the suburban town where I was raised. And where my mother still lives. It's not a place that will ever make headlines while many of the surrounding towns do. But it's beautiful. And it's home. And the "winter wonderland" has just about every Christmas tree you could ever ask for on display. From Marie Antoinette to Mardi Gras. Sports to space travel. Disney to dinosaurs. There was even an upside town tree....

Also incredibly impressive was the vintage Menorah display. I am completely smitten with this wooden star candelabrum. I took a half dozen pictures at different angles through the glass case in hopes that my father (the woodworker) will make one for us next year. Smitten I tell you. And my mother was in awe of the ceramic temple Menorah. It was terribly hard to get a photo of this one but each of the eight candles represents a European country. Symbolic. And beautiful.

And here are a few pictures of the family on the walk home.
Just because they are cute.
And sunny south Florida makes for fun picture taking.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

gingerbread sewing cottage

Please tell me this is not THE sweetest gingerbread house you have ever seen. I mean ever. I am beyond impressed (once again) by The Decorated Cookie and her overabundance of creativity. Click on over to her original post for additional photographs and full details on how to create your own gingerbread sewing cottage. (yeah right). Or just sit there and stare at hers for a long while feeling incredibly envious.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


slouchy fairisle slipper boot by accessorize

vixen zilla boot by australia luxe collective

plush clog bootie by stuart weitzman

 classic cardy by UGG

Is it a boot? Or a slipper? Or a shoe? Who cares?! Love them all.
And if anyone tells Zuzu that the classic cardy comes in kid's sizes (at $120 a pair!) they get to buy them for her.  Cause she's already tried to steal mine. They were just tad too big...

kid's cardy by UGG