
Friday, December 17, 2010

winter wonderland. south florida style.

Today we took the kids to the "Winter Wonderland" at the community historical museum by Grandma's house. We really had no idea what to expect and, while I'm still not even sure how to describe what we saw, it was nothing short of spectacular if only because of the pride exuding from the community members that pulled it all off.

This is the suburban town where I was raised. And where my mother still lives. It's not a place that will ever make headlines while many of the surrounding towns do. But it's beautiful. And it's home. And the "winter wonderland" has just about every Christmas tree you could ever ask for on display. From Marie Antoinette to Mardi Gras. Sports to space travel. Disney to dinosaurs. There was even an upside town tree....

Also incredibly impressive was the vintage Menorah display. I am completely smitten with this wooden star candelabrum. I took a half dozen pictures at different angles through the glass case in hopes that my father (the woodworker) will make one for us next year. Smitten I tell you. And my mother was in awe of the ceramic temple Menorah. It was terribly hard to get a photo of this one but each of the eight candles represents a European country. Symbolic. And beautiful.

And here are a few pictures of the family on the walk home.
Just because they are cute.
And sunny south Florida makes for fun picture taking.


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