
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

eye candy

No doubt, I'm a little late to the game here.  Unfortunately, I don't get out much to see movies unless they require black plastic glasses and booster seats that is.  But I did finally take two hours out of an evening to rent Sex in the City 2 on demand last week.  Oscar worthy?  Um, definitely not.  But I'll tell you one thing.  Patricia Field can dress me any time.  Talk about eye candy.  As I sat on the sofa, probably much in need of a shower, in my beat up, tattered pj's I could not take my eyes off the clothes.  Of course, I'd probably look a little silly dropping off the kids at school, strolling the aisles of whole foods, or doing soccer carpool in one of Carrie's fabulous outfits but what the heck.  Someone send me the clothes.  I'll handle the odd stares.

...And don't even get me started about the fabulous decor.  Checkout the tile in the background from one of my favorite local haunts, Heath Ceramics.  Fabulous.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you too noticed the tile. Maybe why we're friends. I sat in the theatre and wanted to shout "I have that tile in my kitchen". Probably the only thing I'll ever share with SATC (as I too am writing this in my not so attractive pj's).
