
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

zuzu girl grows up

It's official.  After just one short month of announcing that we were closing our shop... we are reopening... with a whole new look!  
Now, you should know that I am not schizophrenic.  Pretty little pinky swear.  We just... Well, we just have a hard time doing nothing. (As if I'm ever actually doing nothing even when I am "doing nothing".)   
We are still waiting for most of our supplies to arrive but we've whipped up a few favorites for your viewing  pleasure.  The look is inspired by, well, me.  It's California bohemian meets urban chic.  It's looking hip while riding your Mundo to school pickup or feeling sexy while sipping cocktails with your best gals at a swanky restaurant.  Sometimes in the same outfit.  It's making a statement without making a fuss.  Effortless beauty.  Unique style.  It's the new, grown up, zuzu girl handmade.
And we hope you simply adore it.

Follow us on facebook.  Or choose to be notified on Etsy.  Either way.  We'll be launching soon...

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