
Monday, July 26, 2010

happy birthday zuzu!

 If you hadn't caught on by now, zuzu girl handmade was inspired by and named for our darling daughter, Zuzu when she was two and a half years old.  My how time flies.  This weekend we celebrated Zuzu's fourth birthday with several parties.  

On Thursday there was a "school party" which involved only some colorful marshmallow pops and some silly band favors tied up with pretty little tags & bows.  Fairly easy.  

Then there was the "family party" on Saturday which was a lovely gathering of nearly two dozen close friends and family, a pool, sports, lots of yummy bbq food, banners, balloons and presents.  
Lots and lots of presents.

And Sunday, well Sunday was the "nail salon party" chosen by and designed mostly by the birthday girl herself.  Ten four year old girls decorated flip flops, beaded bracelets and necklaces, got their fingers and toes painted, danced and sang to Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus (scary, they know ALL the words!), and yes, ate more marshmallows and cupcakes.  It was a lovely, lovely day.  

I hope you enjoy the photos.  It was a fairly simple affair but the girls will remember it forever.  Or at least until next year.  Here are some of the meager resources we used to pull it off...

gerber daisy headbands & princess wands designed by Zuzu and handmade by zuzu girl 

pipe cleaner rings inspired by Martha and made by Grandma

wooden painted fans by Oriental Trading

bead & flip flop & tote bag project supplies from both Michael's & Jo-Ann's Crafts

marshmallow pops inspired by The Decorated Cookie and made by Mom

mini cupcakes by Sweet Things

craft project suitcases, favor baskets & containers all came from home

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

pretty ditty

I've never worn an apron in my life.  And I don't cook which pretty much explains it.  (Well, my kids might tell you otherwise but fortunately their standards are fairly low.  I'm not sure any sane adult has ever witnessed a "real meal" come out of my kitchen... that didn't arrive in a vehicle.)  

Needless to say, I have recently acquired a small obsession with aprons.  Not sure why.  Maybe it's my recent focus on simplifying.  Or my vintage obsession.  Or, maybe both since they seem to be quite one in the same at times.  Doesn't really matter.  But what does is that Pretty Ditty makes some pretty awesome aprons.  You can find them here.  And here.  

Oh.  And she makes pretty dresses too...

Monday, July 12, 2010

glorious treats

 Now,  we have some pretty fabulous hydrangea bushes in our backyard but I've never seen anything like these cupcakes from Glorious Treats in all my life.  Unreal.  But real.  Or not.  Which is it?

I honestly don't think I'd ever dare attempt to make these myself.  (Is that totally lame?)  But if you would like to you can find complete instructions here.  And then you can send me some.

Thanks must go to Lil Boo & Co. as well for the introduction to Glorious Treats lovely & creative blog.  We are most grateful... and envious!

Friday, July 9, 2010

feeling inspired.

Working on some inspiration boards. Cause we all need a little inspiring.  And this assortment, my friends, truly inspires me.  Some of these products and artists you've seen here before.  Others you haven't.  
But don't they look oh so lovely tied up neatly together?  
If you'd like to find any of them, this is where you start...

Happy weekend and here's hoping for some warm sunshiny weather to further inspire!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

leah rosenberg

She makes cake.  
She makes art.  
She has impeccable style.  
And she lives in San Francisco.  
My day is now complete.  
Meet artist Leah Rosenberg.  I found her here


Do you not want to go and make some of these painted spoons for your kitchen RIGHT NOW or what? I just adore the simple whimsy created by Fine Little Day.  Thanks go to say YES! to hoboken for the introduction.  Now I just wish I had few more wooden spoons here. Anyone have some they want to unload?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

i {heart} etsy

Don't have time to sit around looking for the best shops & the most fabulous items out of the hundreds of thousands of talented artists on Etsy? Nah, neither do I... but somehow I do manage to find a few hidden treasures. Or at least hidden to me. So, I figured I'd share. But only because I don't have the money or space to buy them all myself. And they all deserve to be bought. Isn't that generous of me? For links to the shops and items pictured above you'll need to navigate to the favorites section of my Etsy shop here.

Monday, July 5, 2010

remember when?

 I've been going through a lot of reflection this past year and I often find myself thinking that I just wish things were easier.  Now, if you follow my blog regularly you know that I clearly like "stuff" but sometimes I truly wish it would all just go away.  And life could just be simple again. And then I stop and ponder exactly when it all got so complicated. And why. 

I also want one of these.  And I want to use it.  I want to take the time to look up a number or even memorize one (gasp). And I want to take the time to dial it.  And then I want to take the time to talk.  Like we used to.  Remember when?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

cupcake pops. yup. you read it right.

Stop the presses!  
This post is from April of 2008? And I missed it?
Oh. My. Cupcake. Goodness.

It's a damn good thing I don't have all the ingredients to make these right now or there would be one seriously yummy midnight cupcake party going on here.  Party of one.  But still.  More for me.  Tomorrow, my friends, is another day...

tea time

I am seriously in love with this teapot. But I already have a teapot that I seriously love. It's orange enamelware with a wooden handle.  It's so lovely (and old) that I'm humbly hesitant to use it.  It just sits proudly on the stove top looking pretty.  As it should. Then, when I do have tea, which is all too infrequently to own fancy vintage teapots, I pull out the trusty stainless steel number from the bottom cabinet to boil the water. While the fabulous orange vintage pot watches. To make things even more interesting, only three of the four burners on our stove work. So if I'm making tea, you see, we're down to one.  

You'd think I would have talked myself out of buying this fabulous blue teapot with all this mindless stove top banter now, wouldn't you? Hah! You don't know me all that well at all now do you....

big fat SALE!!!

You know what they say. (especially in retail!)
Out with the old. In with the new.  
As of today, last season's zuzu girl ribbon headbands are a steal at $6.00 each. 
Same great quality. Once in a lifetime price.  
While supplies last...

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Zuzu girl.  Oh, and a few charming blooms headbands too.  
And to think, I used to have to bribe her to pose!

Friday, July 2, 2010

we've been spotted!

As luck would have it, one of our dear friends unintentionally snuck her zuzu girl handmade headband into a Mom magazine photo shoot.  And low and behold the stylist loved it!  Yippee for us!!  

Kalen, on the left, is sporting one of our petite ribbon headbands.  And we couldn't thank her enough for the gesture.  You can pick up your copy of Mom at your local Barnes & Noble or Borders Bookstores today...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

you spin me right round, baby right round...

Loving these cheerful pinwheels at Once Around.  Originally inspired by Martha, the crafty folks at Once Around used two sided paper rather than gluing two different pieces together.  Easy peasy. They are perfect for summer birthday party decorations, jazzing up your child's bedroom for the season or just a simple craft project for the whole family!