
Thursday, October 1, 2009

dainty blooms

My fabric arrived yesterday...woo-hoo! I've been really excited about making these fab little headbands and I'm thrilled with the way they turned out. There is one pink one in the shop and another in Zuzu's room. She gave it two thumbs up and even agreed to be photographed with no that's got to mean something! I'm going to take the camera to tutu school tomorrow and try to get some action shots. The light in there is fabulous.

I've got a couple with brown ribbon in the works for those that prefer something a little more Fall (I'm clearly still in denial) and if I got my fingers off these keys they might actually make it to the shop tonight. I'm also toying with the idea of making some smaller scale flowers into halos and maybe even some simple hair clippies. So much to little time!

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