
Tuesday, September 15, 2009


It's been an odd few weeks in the life of Kristi (that's me). The kids started back to school although one was delayed a week with pink eye. Because timing is everything. Then I was *accidentally* headbutted by my gentle daughter, Zuzu, and ended up in a world of hurt. Once we realized I wasn't getting better fast my mother was on the first plane cross country to nurse me back to health. Ain't moms grand? She got me back on my feet just in time to celebrate yet another birthday. Granted, it was fabulous, I just really don't like getting older!

Needless to say I haven't done much of anything the past few weeks (including blogging) but there are a few itty bitty things going on that you just might want to know about. So please, read on, and feel free to click around...

I joined 1000 Markets. Same pretty little zuzu girl handmade products, new venue.
I also joined a lovely market there called Child's Play. Touted as having *incredible finds for little ones* I think you'll be very impressed by the quality of work you find from this group.

I've been featured! Our little shop was chosen as the September feature on the EtsyMom blog. We are honored & excited & thankful and even a tad overwhelmed by the opportunity. Click on over to see our feature and checkout some of the other EtsyMoms while you are there...cause this group makes cool stuff!

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