
Thursday, July 9, 2009

confessions of a crafty slacker

Hi, my name is Kristi and it's been 10 days since my last zuzu girl blog post.

I've been busy. With life, and work, and children. Beautiful stuff. You can read more about what's been going on at home on my other blog *and the beat goes on...* which I have to admit, has not been neglected for ten days because there are Grandparents that depend on it, dammit!

Since I last left you...

I submitted...
my first article to the new EtsyKids online magazine. I am so proud to be partnering with one other EtsyKids member sharing responsibility for the home decor section. Our first issue will be live for all to see in August. The website is up but not yet live. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share the name & link or not yet but you just might find it here by accident. You can bet I'll be screaming about it once we launch so stay tuned!

I made...

I found...

1. 30's vintage fabric houses 2. fabric luggage tag 3. leather wristlet 4.i love you blogs & tea print

And now.
I sleep...


  1. It's summer...slack is okay...but it looks like you made some great stuff while "slacking" :)

  2. Great new stuff:) Congrats on the magazine, that is so exciting! Enjoy the company:)
