
Saturday, December 20, 2008

off to see the wizard...

All images are courtesy of a darling jewelry shop on Etsy called Mootsie's. From her bio, she is "a mixed media artist that loves to create with a variety of materials, including vintage and found objects." Her assortment is whimsical, unique and her prices are right. Zuzu would simply fall in love if I gave her access! I'm thinking I may have to grab a few while I can and store them for birthdays to come...

Support Mootsie's and the thousands of other artisans creating new handmade wonders every day on Etsy.

1 comment:

  1. These are so gorgeous! I love mootsie's shop, too with her lovely style and choices of unique pieces to create one oh-so-lovely creation!!

    Very nice feature!
