The weather forecasters said we were getting snow this weekend. "Snowstorm picks up speed, bears down on Bay Area" was one of the headlines on Thursday. First time since 1976 they touted.
The kids were psyched. Hell, I was psyched. So, I did what every other person expecting snow at their home for the first time would do. I stocked up the fridge, filled up the gas tank, bought some new jewelry supplies (I can throw that in so that I have an excuse right?), cleaned the backyard of dog poop (no brown snowballs!), and covered the pool. And then, we waited. And waited. And waited. First, buckets of rain. Then? 55 and sunny. For two. Days. Straight.
So, here I sit. No snow. But a passion for color. The great antithesis.
At least one of these items is definitely coming to our house. If the mailman can deliver through all that powder...
1. colorku game from the moma.
it's like sudoku. but colorful. and coffee table worthy.
2. pantone mugs from uncommon goods.
because you never know what kind of day it's going to be.
3. regatta stripe towels from garnet hill.
one of each please. just as shown.
one of each please. just as shown.
4. patterns and colors washi tape from the moma.
so cute you just might wrap empty boxes.