
Friday, August 13, 2010

fit for habitation

So if we start now (notice the "we") it might be done by next summer.  Which better be warmer than this summer.  But that is really quite irrelevant because this thing is so damn cool it wouldn't matter how warm it was.  
Courtesy of domestic creations by way of Jordan Ferney.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

going local

Going local, yet somehow still transporting myself to some charming place far, far away every time.  

I simply adore Maison Reve.  Located smack in the heart of downtown Mill Valley, California, Maison Reve means "dream home" in French.  And that it is.  After you've oooh'd and aaaah'd around the shop for a long while, you truly feel like you should sit down, put your feet up and enjoy that steaming hot cup of Peet's.  And I bet they wouldn't mind a bit.

Sadly, I'm usually racing by with any combination of dog, bike, scooter, skateboard, children (and of course a coffee) so I don't always have time to poke around.  But this weekend, sans kids, and thanks to a dear friend visiting from "the other coast" I made the time.  And I'm so glad I did.

I left with the small Holland flower vase pictured in the first image.  It's charming.  And not really all that small.  Once I get some pretty little flowers for it I'll snap a picture for you.  

Now, the ambiance is just not quite the same, but you can shop from her website... or get some inspiration from her blog.  But really you should just come visit.  I'll buy the coffee.

Monday, August 9, 2010

orange you glad I didn't say banana?

 I love orange.  And the way Zuzu can never, ever tell the knock knock joke correctly... but how it always ends up hysterical anyway. So I just couldn't resist curating this fab treasury tonight.  You can see it HERE on Etsy to click the images live.  Cheers!

fruit salad ice cream cone

When Naomi put this post up on her blog a few days back, she actually referred to herself as "mad in the head".  I'm assuming she did this because she writes a blog called Bakers Royale, and I can appreciate that this is hardly baking but, mad in the head?  Nope.  Brilliant.  Love it. 

Although I'm still not honestly sure what I think about the hidden candy treasure in the bottom (read her entire post - they need something to weigh them down).  Kinda defeats the purpose.  And the rice is, as she says, "boring!"  How about a few little (or one really big) "natural" vanilla marshmallows like they sell at whole foods?  My kids would definitely go for that!  

Although, admittedly, they would prefer the skittles.

Thanks go to Modern Handmade Child on Facebook for the link!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

cupcakes & cartwheels paperclips

I picked these up at my local Paper Source yesterday (LOVE this shop).  Don't need them.  Couldn't resist them.  They are made by a company called Cupcakes & Cartwheels that doesn't seem to have it's own website, otherwise I'd share it.  I could most certainly make them myself but for $8.95 a dozen I chose immediate gratification.  Only problem?  They are so darn pretty on this paper I don't want to take any off!  And might not...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

wake me up before you go-go

OK, seriously now.  How fun is this chick? 

Don't you worry now.  She's got Kenny Rogers, INXS and even a little Tiffany too.  Am I dating myself too much?  

Everything in her Etsy shop is handmade from re-purposed fabrics purchased locally.  She's Sally Ann and she made me smile in a big way tonight.  Thanks Sally Ann!

blooming pencil pot

Is it Tuesday already?  Oh my!  How time flies when you're recovering from a birthday party, six visiting, but not necessarily related to each other relatives AND school has been out for seven long weeks.  Did I say long?  Did I mention that it reopens three weeks from today? Nah. But who's counting?

I spotted these fabulous flower pot pencils right away in the new Fall issue of Modern Handmade Child to which I am typically a contributor... just not this month.  Even still, it's contents are simply fabulous.  These fabric flower pencils are shown on page 25.  They are also available for sale at little cat on Etsy.